Alcohol Allergies Can Cause Sneezing, Flushing, Headache

why does beer make me sneeze

If sneezing or other allergic symptoms persist or worsen, seeking medical advice is advisable. Allergic reactions to beer can manifest as abdominal pain and bloating, chest tightness, hives, wheezing, and chest pain. These symptoms can occur almost immediately after ingesting beer and should be treated as severe and potentially life-threatening. Beer contains many ingredients, including water, malt barley, brewer’s yeast, hops, and assorted flavorings. While true beer allergies are rare, it is possible to be allergic to one of these ingredients. If you have symptoms of an allergy after drinking beer, you should see your doctor.

  • The only way to prevent these reactions is to avoid alcohol or limit the amount consumed.
  • Allergy testing of the skin and blood should be able to determine your allergies, or at least rule some out.

Identify Triggers

why does beer make me sneeze

Not that there are any scientific studies on the number of people who are affected, but, if you get the “beer sneezes” after you have had a beer (or, more than one beer), you are not alone. The online discussions on this phenomenon range from catching a closet drinker in the act to a life-threatening allergy situation (please, carry an epi-pen in this case). Some say it is more about the type of beer (too many hops) than a reaction to the alcohol in beer. The good news is that alcohol intolerance isn’t too much of a concern. The bad news is that you can’t really do much about it, or that unwelcome sneezing after drinking alcohol nasal congestion that comes along with it, aside from just not drinking alcohol.

why does beer make me sneeze

Can sneezing after drinking beer be a sign of an underlying health condition?

When this blood-brain barrier isn’t protected as it should be, the brain is more susceptible to headache-inducing triggers. Sneezing is a natural reflex that helps expel irritants from the nasal passages and throat. It is triggered by the stimulation of the mucous membranes in the nose or throat.

Reviewing Medications

  • People with histamine intolerance have decreased or inhibited enzymes that break down histamine from food.
  • Beer allergy may be a form of alcohol intolerance that can cause unpleasant reactions immediately after consuming the drink.
  • Here are five surprising side effects of alcohol you should know about.

Histamine intolerance can be managed by taking antihistamines, which help the body process the excess amphetamine addiction treatment histamine. However, it is important to choose non-drowsy antihistamines, especially if planning to continue daily activities. Additionally, it is advisable to refrain from further alcohol consumption for the day to prevent exacerbating symptoms. Histamine intolerance occurs when an individual has too much histamine in their body. It is not a sensitivity to histamine but rather an indication that the person has accumulated an excessive amount.

why does beer make me sneeze

  • Even if people don’t consume enough alcohol to cause a hangover, they can still get a headache from drinking.
  • While the main ingredient in beer is water, people with beer allergy symptoms are often sensitive to beer ingredients like wheat, yeast, sulfites, and histamine.
  • In this article, we’ll explore why drinking alcohol commonly leads to a stuffed up nose for so many people.
  • While it can be a peculiar and uncomfortable sensation, understanding the underlying causes can help individuals manage this reaction effectively.

This occurs because alcohol triggers expansion of the blood vessels near you — body surfaces — including the lining of you nose and sinuses. This extra blood flow can lead to temporary swelling and increased mucus production, potentially provoking nasal and sinus congestion. If you have any severe or painful symptoms after drinking alcohol, don’t just brush it off as alcohol intolerance.

why does beer make me sneeze

why does beer make me sneeze

Having sluggish ALDH2 enzymes, or lower levels of it altogether, is ultimately the product of having genetic variation in your ALDH2 gene. Specifically, genetic changes that make your corresponding ALDH2 enzyme bad at its job. What’s more is that this genetic variation can be passed down from parent to child, making alcohol intolerance an inherited condition.

Plant-Derived Allergens

In recent times, sulfur dioxide and sulfites have been considered allergens, and concerns about their safety as food additives have increased. Sulfites can cause a range of dermatological, pulmonary, gastrointestinal, and cardiovascular symptoms. Asthmatics, for example, are at an increased risk of having a reaction to sulfite-containing food.

What You Can Do To Prevent Sneezing When You Drink

Intolerance to histamine may be caused by the inability to break down or eliminate the compound. What’s more concerning, however, is that some medications can lead to uncomfortable (even dangerous) side effects when combined with alcohol. In addition, various ingredients found in alcoholic beverages have the potential to trigger an allergic reaction in some people. In conclusion, sneezing after drinking beer can be attributed to various factors such as allergies, sensitivities, or the presence of compounds like histamine or sulfites. While it can be a peculiar and uncomfortable sensation, understanding the underlying causes can help individuals manage this reaction effectively.